Thursday, December 31, 2020

Minority Report (2020) Series Review

Minority Report (2020) Series Review

Even though this show came to America in 2015, here in the UK we have only just had a chance to see Minority Report and I have now finished watching it and here is my review for it. The premise of the show is set ten years after the events of the film of the same title and sees one of the three precogs attempt to return to life while avoiding the people hunting him. 

Main Character

Meagan Good plays detective Laura Vega and she does a decent job in the lead role. She is basically the character looking on from the outside and you kind of feel like her and I thought she did try and give a good performance and that effort is there to see. It is just that her character isn't very interesting and like a lot of things in this show it offers nothing new to the table and I feel like her performance is restricted by the writing for her character. Stark Sands plays Dash and I just couldn't get on board with him in this role, I just found him to be a weak character and I never cared about him for one minute and again that is due to the writing but more so due to me just not liking his performance. 

Supporting Characters

Nick Zano who I know as Nate Haywood on Legends of Tomorrow plays Dash's brother Arthur and he is easily the best part of this show and is the one person actually bringing life into this show. He has the most interesting character and I actually wish the show had been about him instead of Dash as I think the show would have been way better. But the rest of the cast don't do as well Daniel London is back as Wally from the film and it does feel like the only reason he is here because they needed somebody from the film and let's face it Tom Cruise isn't doing this show. They recast Agatha, this time played by Laura Regan and I did not like this interpretation. She is just incredibly hostile and it kind of goes against the film version of her character and she just annoyed me throughout. Nobody else does anything for me whether it be the protagonists or antagonists, you are given very little reason to care and then when they do try it just feels very flat. 


The story of this show is just all over the place, instead of maybe looking at the life of the precogs it doesn't do enough with that and focuses on this case of the week story which doesn't really work. The characters aren't particularly interesting and the story doesn't do enough to keep you invested, the bad guys are so bland and you learn nothing about them so why should you care and that is what I was asking myself. It's a shame because the ending is actually a bit interesting but the fact that a second season is never happening makes it worthless now. 


The script is a mixed bag, I thought certain elements of the script are well written and had me intrigued, but I wanted more, the show suffers from focusing on the wrong areas and I just wish these things mainly involving Arthur which again goes to my point as to why he should have been the lead show. Also this show basically forgets the themes of the film and feels like they didn't really care much about it. 


The style of the show does have some decent action scenes in it and some good use of the futuristic technology that is a bit further expanded from the film and is done pretty well. But this show has a generic case of the week feel and it doesn't do enough for me to keep invested in it or to care about these different cases. There are probably a few too many episodes which just adds more to the feeling of filler and that is the majority of the season. 


Overall, this is a below average show, this show adds nothing new to the table in terms of sci-fi cop show and isn't worth the time it takes to watch. Stick with the film and just don't bother with this show, especially, with the fact that there is no future for this show. 

Rating - 4/10 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Worst Films of 2020

Worst Films of 2020

2020 has obviously been a terrible year and that continues into the film industry as a whole and in terms of films I saw this year I feel like there was clearly more films that were average to bad in terms of good so this list was the hardest list so with the films I watched here are the worst of the year. 

10. Fatal Affair

God here we go, when Fatal Attraction was a success it spawned plenty of awful copycats and here is the next one Fatal Affair and it is really bad. Awfully acted and a truly bad story and characterisation, this film is laughable and is so bad that all you can do is chuckle to yourself, before you realise you are wasting your time and thank god it's a short film and I will never have to put myself through it again. 

9. Secret Society of Second Born Royals

Okay I know this film wasn't made for me and is aimed at families and kids but that doesn't change the fact that it is really bad. The characters are awful, the effects are awful and the whole film is awful. You can tell Disney were trying to make a new franchise here but they failed miserably, stick to The Mandalorian and Marvel, and stop making awful duds ;ole Secret Society of Second Born Royals. 

8. Dangerous Lies

This film is so boring and bad for the majority of it, not a lot is going and there was nothing for me to care about, not even A-Train from The Boys could save this mess. But then the last act happens and it is the unintentionally most hilarious and stupid thing I maybe have ever seen, it defies all logic and just has you scratching your head and laughing at the same time. It isn't the worst film of the year but it is just so drab and then unintentionally hilarious. 

7. Artemis Fowl 

The next of the terrible Disney projects and it is Artemis Fowl and this one hurts more because the books are very beloved and this film butchers them. Some good actors delivering hilariously bad performances, a great director who is handcuffed by the studio creatively and an effects budget that is clearly not enough for this film leads to this film being an utter mess. It is short which saves it from being higher but I just couldn't believe how bad this film was and avoid at all cost. 

6. The Grudge 

I am not a fan of horror films and films like The Grudge are the reason to that. They are lazy and just cheap scares instead of actually building suspense to scare like The Invisible Man did. This film is so uninspired and paint by numbers, the performances are bad, the scares are bad and just everything about this film is bad and just don't watch this film. 

5. Hubie Halloween 

You know a film is going to be bad when the main star says he is trying to make a bad film and Hubie Halloween is that film and it lives up to Adam Sandler's promise as it is a bad film. It isn't funny at all and Sandler is terrible in it, he should stick to drama as his days of comedy are over and this film shows that. If you like films like Grown Ups then you might like this but not for me and a film I will never ever watch again. 

4. The Last Days of American Crime 

This film had a big build-up from Netflix and it failed completely. The film is so slow and tedious I mean its 2 hours and 30 minutes of awfulness and my god it is boring for at least 2 hours and 25 minutes and it made me want to tear out the small amount of hair I had left. This film is really bad and it is just way too long so please do not give this film the light of day. 

3. Horse Girl 

Netflix are here and spoilers the top three are all from Netflix and the first is Horse Girl. My god what a boring film where nothing happens. Honestly, I watched it so long ago that I have actually forgotten why I hated it but I just remember it being so boring and a film that was very pretentious and loved itself and I didn't find anything worthwhile from it. 

2. The Wrong Missy 

Oh look we aren't done with The Sander comedy crew as here is The Wrong Missy and this is one of the most annoying and awful comedies not only of 2020 but that has ever been made. This film is just not funny, David Spade is bad and Lauren Lapkus gives the worst performance of the year by far, she is so unlikeable and if her character was a man there would have been an outcry and this film would never have been made. Just stop making these films, any normal year this would have been the worst film of the year but one other film annoyed me more. 

1. 365 DNI

So a few years ago for some bizarre reason I watched 50 Shades of Grey and it was one of the worst films I have ever seen, so in 2020 I basically watched the Italian version and this was even worse. 365 DNI is so bad and it just makes no sense, the people in the film are awful and the film doesn't even do a good job with the Sex as it doesn't work because the two performers have no chemistry on screen at all. Also it has a truly awful ending and with all these things together it makes it the worst film of 2020. 

Best Films of 2020

Best Films of 2020

Like I have said in all these lists so far 2020 has been a strange year and a year where I have barely had the chance to get to the cinema to watch films but streaming has allowed me and others the chance to see some really good films and that is why this list can exist and for me here are the best films from 2020 that I have seen which isn't as many as I would like. 

Honourable Mention - Hamilton 

Ever since watching Hamilton I wasn't sure whether to include it in this list and after thinking about it I decided to leave it on the list but it needs to be mentioned. This musical was absolutely amazing it had me captivated from minute 1 to the final minute and I would say to people who don't usually like musicals, you will like Hamilton and it is a must watch so if you get 3 hours then watch it. 

10. The Invisible Man 

So let's get onto the list and at number 10 is The Invisible Man, this suspenseful thriller was great and really had me on the edge of my seat. Elizabeth Moss is fantastic in the lead role and really offers way more then just a damsel in distress, which is what you would expect. It updates the film for the modern audience and does a really good job of keeping you engrossed and on the edge of your seat throughout. 

9. The Trial of The Chicago 7

Next we get to The Trial of Chicago 7 which is based on a real event and sees a group of people in court for crimes they didn't really commit. This film has the amazing writing of screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and great performances from Mark Rylance, Sasha Baron Cohen & Eddie Redmayne, this is the real strength of the film and the courtroom setting kept me interested throughout and was a great film overall. 

8. Tenet 

Now to the film that tried to save cinema in 2020 and even though it didn't do that I though Tenet was a great film and one of the most unique films you will ever see. Yes the plot is a bit confusing but it is epic in scale and the way it is presented is amazing, Christopher Nolan just knows how to make an epic film that just feels very large in scale and mix that with really good performances and you have a pretty exciting film here. 

7. The Old Guard 

Fair play to Netflix, I usually criticise their action offerings but I really enjoyed The Old Guard. Based on a graphic novel this film has some amazing action set pieces with a fascinating story. Charlize Theron is obviously fantastic in the lead role and she really added legitimacy here. This film hopefully set up a big future for this franchise as I would really want to see more from this world. 

6. Just Mercy 

Next on the list is the really gripping true story of Just Mercy and this film is all about the titanic performances by the two leads. Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx give amazing performances here and really carry this film on their backs and suck you in and you can't take you eyes off of it and really want to succeed and yeah just give this important film a watch. 

5. Jojo Rabbit 

I think this might have been the first film I saw in 2020 and it has made it onto the list and that is Jojo Rabbit. This comedy that makes fun of The Nazi regime is just my cup of tea and a film that I thought was very funny but also had heart to it and gave you characters that you can care about. This is a film I think that some will love and some will hate, luckily I am in the first group of people and I think this is a film you have to experience yourself. 

4. Small Axe - Mangrove 

Easily the best of the Small Axe films - Mangrove delivers on every level and actually feels like a very important film, especially in the world that we live in. The performances are great, Letitia Wright is amazing in the lead and similar to The Trial of The Chicago 7 the courtroom scenes are amazing I just think they were done better in this film and that is why it is much higher on this list and is a film you have to find time to watch. 

3. Wonder Woman 1984

It is actually funny I have seen a lot of criticism of Wonder Woman 1984 and that is fine as that is peoples opinion but I actually think this film is fantastic and is better then its predecessor. Diana Prince is a much more interesting character here and Gal Gadot deserves plenty of credit for that, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal also deliver really great performances. The film uses its setting really well and I like the risks it takes to make it stand out from other comic book films, whether you watch the film in cinemas or at home I really do think it is worth a watch and is one of the best experiences I had watching a film all year. 

2. 1917   

It feel so long ago that I saw this film but the revolutionary 1917 stayed with me and is up there with the best films of the year. In terms of visual and cinematography this is one of the best films I have ever seen and really made me feel like I was on the journey with our two protagonists and it really sucked me in to the film I was watching. I hope most people have watched this film but if you haven't then you must and really cherish just how much care and love is put into it. 

1. Parasite 

And here we are, the best film of 2020 the film that won best picture at the oscars, the South Korean film Parasite. I saw the film after that happened and I wasn't sure what to expect and I was blown away by the amazing story I was being told, I will not spoil anything as that is what helped me love the film, the fact I had no idea what to expect. It totally changed my mind on foreign speaking films and if that is what is putting you off then change your tune and give this amazing film the watch that it truly deserves. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Worst TV Shows of 2020

Worst TV Shows of 2020

So I have talked about the best shows of the year so now let's get onto the fun list and the shows that were awful and that should be avoided at all cost. Again I have not watched every bad show of 2020 so there might be some missing, also this is just my opinion so there might be some shows you like here and that is cool but for me these are the shows that are really bad and people need to not waste there time on them. 

10. The Right Stuff Season 1 

This show was just so dull and the reason it makes the list is that I actually thought it could be interesting. The Right Stuff is a show about the origins of NASA and the pilots involved but it misfires for me and just looks incredibly cheap. The performances are average at best and the show just struggles to keep you interested and honestly I came close to bailing on this show before it finished and if it wasn't for this blog I would have stopped watching half way through and I would have totally forgot it ever existed. 

9. Blood & Water Season 1

This South African was just poor, it had nothing interesting about it. The young actors did the best with what they were given but I did not care about them at all and the characters really hold this show back. If you like High school dramas then this might be for you but for me it did very little, the premise had potential but offered very little and I am not interested in seeing anything more from this show. 

8. Brave New World 

Now I must stress, Brave New World is clearly not the worst show of the year and actually has a bit that is good about it but that is what hurts the most. This show should have been so much better then it was but it failed massively, it focused too much on the less interesting factors of the show and it ended up not working. The show though was cancelled and won't be getting a second season so there is no real reason to watch this show as it is clearly not worth the time and effort. 

7. Two Weeks To Live Season 1  

Sky was hyping this show a lot and they really shouldn't have bothered as this was a pretty awful show. Apart from a decent second episode and the fact that bloody Arya Stark is the lead are the only reasons that Two Weeks To Live isn't higher on the list. It is is so poor and again none of the characters were interesting and I just didn't care at all, it was so unbelievable and a show that I think could have done with a more serious tone and one that just don't watch. 

6. The Luminaries Season 1

This New Zealand show The Luminaries hit BBC earlier this year and was just so boring. The performances were boring, the characters were boring and the story was boring. The show looks very good but there is no substance to it and I don't care if Eva Green is in it don't bother with it for any reason at all as it is a poor waste of time. 

5. Code 404 Season 1

Another Sky original Code 404 was even worse then Two Weeks To Live and a completely unfunny buddy cop show. The two main actors are good in other things, I have seen it with my own two eyes but this show just doesn't work, it is poorly written and just feels like I wasted a few hours of my time and a show that just does not work. 

4. Cursed Season 1 

Now this one hurts, Cursed had limitless potential and should have been amazing but my god it was terrible and such a waste of time. Once again adapting the story of King Arthur it now feels like a story that has been worn out and this attempt at a fresh take fails in pretty much every department and even though loads of people watched I hope this is the end for this show and it will be remembered as a show that should have been amazing but just failed. 

3. Little Birds Season 1 

Jesus this was a bad year for Sky original programming and here is the worst of them all Little Birds. What the hell was this show about, months later I am still not sure, this shows setting looked nice but there is nothing else and it is a show that literally is all over the place and I am pretty sure nobody watched it but I did and my god what a waste of time and please do not do it. 

2. The Deceived 

Now onto a show that I am pretty sure nobody did watch. The Deceived was on Channel 5 and was terrible, one of the worst acted and stupid shows that has ever existed. I couldn't stop laughing watching this show even though it takes itself very seriously, there is nothing unique on this show and I really can't believe shows like this are being made in 2020 and I mean you aren't going to watch this so at least there is that. 

1. The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 1

And here we are the worst show of 2020 and it goes to The Walking Dead: World Beyond. The Walking Dead has had a mixed time over the last few years but this is the lowest low for me. These characters are awful and this story is uninspired to say the least, luckily we only have to deal with one more season of this show. Unfortunately this show seems to be playing an important role in The Walking Dead Universe and it must improve in its second season immensely because as we speak this is an awful show that for me is the worst time I had watching a show in the whole of 2020. 

Best TV Shows of 2020

Best TV Shows of 2020

2020 has obviously been a terrible, unprecedented year but the one highlight is that there has been some excellent television that more people have watched then ever. For me this is the most TV I have ever watched this year and I have now got a list of ten shows that I have watched that I think were the best of the year, I haven't seen every show so there might be some missing and it is all opinions so peoples list might be different to mine but here are my top ten TV Shows of 2020. 

10. White Lines 

We start on a controversial choice. White Lines was a show that was a mixed bag for most people but I really liked this show and thought it was fascinating. It showed an interesting show with a different setting and characters to get interested in. Yes the final reveal may have fell a little short but I was satisfied, with the show now having been cancelled it seems like this story will never get its follow up and it is one that will end up having unfulfilled potential. 

9. White House Farm 

Another show with White in its title was White House Farm and this show gripped me with great performances and a chilling story. This mini series kept you guessing throughout and on your toes and the fact that it was based on a true story didn't really hurt it and I am glad that there aren't too many episodes in this show. It feels very real and does an appropriate and respectful job of telling its story and keeping the viewer engaged. 

8. Star Trek: Picard Season 1 

For starters I am not a huge Star Trek fan but when Picard was announced to stream on Amazon Prime I decided to watch it and I ended up loving it. Sir Patrick Stewart back as the title character and did a great job in the role and clearly was invested in this project. The universe building was great and I hope we see more, I haven't yet watched Discovery but hopefully that is of similar quality. The ending wasn't particularly great but it did set up some interesting dynamics for future stories and hopefully we do get a chance to see more. 

7. I Am Not Okay With This 

One of the real surprises this year for me was this show. I am Not Okay With This was a fantastic show that managed to combine teen drama and superpowers but actually did it well. The episodes shorter length really helped it and I loved my binge of the show and got through it in a few hours and was begging for more. It was a travesty when this show was cancelled and I really hope when The Pandemic dies down a bit Netflix give this show another chance and progress this super interesting story. 

6. The Mandalorian Season 1 

The first huge hit of 2020 was when Disney+ came to the UK and The Mandalorian came our way. A fantastic story that showed this duo of Mando and The Child going through the universe and it was fascinating. The action scenes were great, the side characters were great and just the world that has been built is outstanding. This season does a great job in telling a fulfilling story while setting up bigger things, let me just now say this isn't the last you have seen of The Mandalorian on this list. 

5. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7

The next Star Wars property on this list is the 7th and final season of The Clone Wars and this is easily the best season of the show. The show looks better then ever with such sleek animation and it really provided some gut punching and emotional moments, especially, in the last two episodes which are some of the best Star Wars put onto screen and I truly mean that. Ahsoka and Rex have a brilliant journey this season and the Mandalore episodes are amazing and end on a great moment and The Clone Wars will be remembered as one of the great things to come out of Star Wars.

4. Des 

Des was a show that ITV gave us and it was a truly horrifying and enigmatic tale of this serial killer that actually existed. David Tennant gives possibly his greatest ever performance and really carries this show and delivers a chilling performance that keeps you engrossed for the three episodes of this show. Overall, this show is one that is a bit slower paced but the acting and story really keep you invested and is definitely worth a watch. 

3. Better Call Saul Season 5 

I love Breaking Bad and this was the year for me where Better Call Saul got on very similar levels and it was outstanding. This is one of the best seasons of television you will see and for me overall this is the best acted show out there. Bob Odenkirk, Rhea Seehorn, Michael Mando, Giancarlo Esposito and more are amazing and you are truly invested in these characters journeys and the way they have developed from the first episode to here. This season has the great blend of humour and drama and some incredibly tense moments that hopefully will lead to just as strong a final season that ensures this show will be remembered to similar levels of Breaking Bad. 

2. The Queen's Gambit 

Ever since watching this show I was certain it would be in the top 3 slots in this list and here it is in 2nd place and The Queen's Gambit is an amazing show. I never thought a show involving Chess could grip me so much but this show does it and then some and is one every single person should watch. Anya Taylor Joy gives a career defining performance and carries this show on her back with a truly breath-taking and amazing performance. Any normal year this show would be number 1 and this is a show that if you haven't watched then you must take time out and watch it as soon as possible. 

1. The Mandalorian Season 2

What else could it be? I said how much I loved the first season of The Mandalorian but the second season raises the level ten fold and it is an amazing season of television that I will never forget watching. I am a huge Star Wars Fan and even though I have enjoyed the last few years nothing has felt more Star Wars and got me more invested and even emotional then this season of The Mandalorian. The episodes are all super fun and interesting, the returning characters are great and the new characters who steal the show and gives me the diehard Boba Fett fan exactly what I needed and confirmed this show being number 1. The future of this show and the rest of Star Wars TV is super exciting and lets hope it can continue the really strong quality that this show has laid down. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Most Anticipated Films of 2021

Most Anticipated Films of 2021

So we have got towards the end of 2020 and it has been a terrible year in general and for the film industry. Hopefully, if things can get better next year then 2021 could see a bit of a recovery for the industry and there are some big films set to come out to aid in that. There are plenty of films that I am excited for next year but I have got the list to 10 and for different reasons these are the ones I have chosen and the ones that I am most excited for. 

10. The Matrix 4

First on the list is The Matrix 4 at this point there have been 3 Matrix films and there have been more bad ones then good and I really hope that changes. The first film was revolutionary and is one of the truly great sci-fi action films and created a fascinating world to build on. Keanu Reeves is back as Neo and I hope that with his return this franchise is finally going to get the sequel it deserves and maybe even get people excited for future stories involving The Matrix. 

9. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 

After Avengers: Endgame, the future of the MCU was something to be excited for and next year Shang-Chi The Legend of the Ten Rings is coming out and I am very excited for it. It seems to be something totally different to other comic book films and I think that is something most wanted, I know very little about the character so that leaves me not really knowing what to expect and that has me very interested in this film. 

8. Death On The Nile 

I liked The Murder on the Orient Express but realised it needed improvement and I am really hoping this is the film that does that. I loved the tone for the trailer for this film and it had me captivated and incredibly interested in the whole surrounding of this film. The cast is superb, Gal Gadot, Armie Hammer, Letitia Wright and more add tonnes of quality and hopefully a really well written murder mystery film. 

7. Mission Impossible 7

Pretty ironic that this film is 7th on the list but it is the next Mission Impossible film. This film has gained some big publicity over the last few weeks for Tom Cruise's hilarious tirades but I am looking forward to this film. The last 3 films in the franchise have been brilliant and some of the best films of the past few years and hopefully this film can continue the quality and really ramp up the levels. 

6. Spider-Man 3

If I made this film last year then this would have been number 1 on this list for sure because the end of Far From Home was amazing and really did a great job in setting up the future of the character. But since then we have heard all the stories about the Spider-Verse stuff and yes I am excited for it but I am worried that it will take away from the main plot and bog the film down. Overall, I am still really excited for this film and I think it is either going to be amazing or terrible and that is a fascinating prospect. 

5. Top Gun: Maverick

A film that was on last years list but didn't come out due to covid, so it is coming out this year and I am still pretty excited for it. Top Gun is a really fun film and it is a bout time we get a sequel and the trailer got me invested and made me hope that Tom Cruise will take the quality from his Mission Impossible films to this film to make 2021 hopefully a great year for him and films involving him. 

4. Black Widow 

Another casualty from last years list is here and it the solo film for Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow. Though I am not as hyped for this film in 2021 and I would have been if it had come out in 2016 I am still excited for it. The trailer showed an action packed film that will have fun performances and hopefully a stand out villain in The Taskmaster. This film should give Johansson a send off that she deserves for all the work she has done to establish this character in the MCU. 

3. Dune

Before the trailer came out for this film I wasn't sure what to think but after this trailer I am so hyped for Dune. The brilliant cast and brilliant visuals could combine to provide one of the best blockbusters in recent memories. We should have already seen this film but now we have almost another year to wait but it should be worth it and judging by the trailer I saw I think we are in for a great cinematic experience. 

2. No Time To Die     

My number one film on last years list makes it onto this years list but a space below. Daniel Craig's final outing as James Bond looks fantastic, the trailers for the film have been action packed and heavy hitting and has a great supporting cast that will hopefully give him the farewell he deserves. He has has a mixed bag as the character and No Time To Die gives him the chance to go out on a high and I am super excited for it. 

1. The Suicide Squad

The number 1 film on this list is the DC film The Suicide Squad. Everything I have seen about this film has me buzzing for it and hopefully will give the fans of these characters the depictions they deserve. With James Gunn as the director and a great and eclectic choice of actors and characters it will hopefully deliver a unique comic book film that will rank right up there.