Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Review

Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Review

After months and months of anticipation Wonder Woman 1984 has finally made its way to the UK and I went back to the cinema today to see it and here is my review. The premise of the film is set in the year 1984 and sees Diana Prince trying to get on with her life as new threats emerge to challenge her. 

Main Character

I remember when Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman, most of us out there were like she looks the part but can she act the part and without a shadow of a doubt she is perfect as Wonder Woman and it is the role she was born to play. She brings so much life to this character and you really care about Diana and really want her to succeed, her character takes interesting twists and turns and it feels like an appropriate development from the previous film and credit to Gadot for that. 

Supporting Characters

Chris Pine reprises his role as Steve Trevor and I wasn't sure about this after what happened to his character in the previous film but it really works and is a real highlight of the film. Pine and Gadot have superb chemistry together and it is even better here then it was in the previous film and that is because both of them are having so much fun together and it is really nice to see and works for the story the film is trying to tell. Kristen Wiig plays Barbara Minerva and I thought she did a really good job in the film, I must admit I wasn't sure at first but as the film goes on she gets better and better and her character is one you can feel a bit of sympathy for and you understand the actions she takes and credit to her for a strong performance here. Pedro Pascal plays Maxwell Lord and he is fantastic here, the trailers make it out that he is just a cheesy villain but he is far from that, he is the most interesting character in this film and they do so much to make him a memorable antagonist and one that will be remembered. I think with The Mandalorian we have maybe forgotten just how good Pascal is and this film is here to remind people just how charismatic and amazing an actor that he is. 


The story for this film is fantastic and one of the best in recent comic book films. The relationship between Steve and Diana is really well developed and better handled here then it was in the first film, mixed with the interesting characters of Barbara & Lord provides a fascinating story that feels appropriate in 2020. It really pulls on the emotion and especially in current times it feels like the story people need and one that will resonate with audiences. A film like this shows that sometimes having less characters but really developing them is a much better idea and allows you to really get invested in what you are watching. 


The script is great, this film takes place in the 80s and doesn't hide away from it but it also doesn't cheese the film up too much and feels like the right amount of it. The drama is ramped up and I grew to really care about the characters in the film and the blend felt right all the right through with those deep moments and the lighter moments.


As I mentioned above the film does a really good job in making you feel like you are watching the 1980s and it is a fun change of pace from what we are used to for sure. The action scenes are also pretty well done in this film even though there is an over reliance of The Lasso Of Truth, that is a tiny complaint. Though I do have a bigger complaint and that is some of the CGI, these were in the trailers so there not spoilers but it is Cheetah and the Golden Winged Armour. They just don't look very good and the action scene teased in the trailer disappoints and fails to live up to the hype. 


Overall, this is a fantastic film that improves on the first film. If you are a fan of Wonder Woman you will really enjoy this film and this is a film you have to experience on the big screen so when you feel comfortable go out and support cinemas and this film by seeing it.

Rating - 9/10

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