Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Best Films of 2020

Best Films of 2020

Like I have said in all these lists so far 2020 has been a strange year and a year where I have barely had the chance to get to the cinema to watch films but streaming has allowed me and others the chance to see some really good films and that is why this list can exist and for me here are the best films from 2020 that I have seen which isn't as many as I would like. 

Honourable Mention - Hamilton 

Ever since watching Hamilton I wasn't sure whether to include it in this list and after thinking about it I decided to leave it on the list but it needs to be mentioned. This musical was absolutely amazing it had me captivated from minute 1 to the final minute and I would say to people who don't usually like musicals, you will like Hamilton and it is a must watch so if you get 3 hours then watch it. 

10. The Invisible Man 

So let's get onto the list and at number 10 is The Invisible Man, this suspenseful thriller was great and really had me on the edge of my seat. Elizabeth Moss is fantastic in the lead role and really offers way more then just a damsel in distress, which is what you would expect. It updates the film for the modern audience and does a really good job of keeping you engrossed and on the edge of your seat throughout. 

9. The Trial of The Chicago 7

Next we get to The Trial of Chicago 7 which is based on a real event and sees a group of people in court for crimes they didn't really commit. This film has the amazing writing of screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and great performances from Mark Rylance, Sasha Baron Cohen & Eddie Redmayne, this is the real strength of the film and the courtroom setting kept me interested throughout and was a great film overall. 

8. Tenet 

Now to the film that tried to save cinema in 2020 and even though it didn't do that I though Tenet was a great film and one of the most unique films you will ever see. Yes the plot is a bit confusing but it is epic in scale and the way it is presented is amazing, Christopher Nolan just knows how to make an epic film that just feels very large in scale and mix that with really good performances and you have a pretty exciting film here. 

7. The Old Guard 

Fair play to Netflix, I usually criticise their action offerings but I really enjoyed The Old Guard. Based on a graphic novel this film has some amazing action set pieces with a fascinating story. Charlize Theron is obviously fantastic in the lead role and she really added legitimacy here. This film hopefully set up a big future for this franchise as I would really want to see more from this world. 

6. Just Mercy 

Next on the list is the really gripping true story of Just Mercy and this film is all about the titanic performances by the two leads. Michael B Jordan and Jamie Foxx give amazing performances here and really carry this film on their backs and suck you in and you can't take you eyes off of it and really want to succeed and yeah just give this important film a watch. 

5. Jojo Rabbit 

I think this might have been the first film I saw in 2020 and it has made it onto the list and that is Jojo Rabbit. This comedy that makes fun of The Nazi regime is just my cup of tea and a film that I thought was very funny but also had heart to it and gave you characters that you can care about. This is a film I think that some will love and some will hate, luckily I am in the first group of people and I think this is a film you have to experience yourself. 

4. Small Axe - Mangrove 

Easily the best of the Small Axe films - Mangrove delivers on every level and actually feels like a very important film, especially in the world that we live in. The performances are great, Letitia Wright is amazing in the lead and similar to The Trial of The Chicago 7 the courtroom scenes are amazing I just think they were done better in this film and that is why it is much higher on this list and is a film you have to find time to watch. 

3. Wonder Woman 1984

It is actually funny I have seen a lot of criticism of Wonder Woman 1984 and that is fine as that is peoples opinion but I actually think this film is fantastic and is better then its predecessor. Diana Prince is a much more interesting character here and Gal Gadot deserves plenty of credit for that, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal also deliver really great performances. The film uses its setting really well and I like the risks it takes to make it stand out from other comic book films, whether you watch the film in cinemas or at home I really do think it is worth a watch and is one of the best experiences I had watching a film all year. 

2. 1917   

It feel so long ago that I saw this film but the revolutionary 1917 stayed with me and is up there with the best films of the year. In terms of visual and cinematography this is one of the best films I have ever seen and really made me feel like I was on the journey with our two protagonists and it really sucked me in to the film I was watching. I hope most people have watched this film but if you haven't then you must and really cherish just how much care and love is put into it. 

1. Parasite 

And here we are, the best film of 2020 the film that won best picture at the oscars, the South Korean film Parasite. I saw the film after that happened and I wasn't sure what to expect and I was blown away by the amazing story I was being told, I will not spoil anything as that is what helped me love the film, the fact I had no idea what to expect. It totally changed my mind on foreign speaking films and if that is what is putting you off then change your tune and give this amazing film the watch that it truly deserves. 

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