Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Worst TV Shows of 2020

Worst TV Shows of 2020

So I have talked about the best shows of the year so now let's get onto the fun list and the shows that were awful and that should be avoided at all cost. Again I have not watched every bad show of 2020 so there might be some missing, also this is just my opinion so there might be some shows you like here and that is cool but for me these are the shows that are really bad and people need to not waste there time on them. 

10. The Right Stuff Season 1 

This show was just so dull and the reason it makes the list is that I actually thought it could be interesting. The Right Stuff is a show about the origins of NASA and the pilots involved but it misfires for me and just looks incredibly cheap. The performances are average at best and the show just struggles to keep you interested and honestly I came close to bailing on this show before it finished and if it wasn't for this blog I would have stopped watching half way through and I would have totally forgot it ever existed. 

9. Blood & Water Season 1

This South African was just poor, it had nothing interesting about it. The young actors did the best with what they were given but I did not care about them at all and the characters really hold this show back. If you like High school dramas then this might be for you but for me it did very little, the premise had potential but offered very little and I am not interested in seeing anything more from this show. 

8. Brave New World 

Now I must stress, Brave New World is clearly not the worst show of the year and actually has a bit that is good about it but that is what hurts the most. This show should have been so much better then it was but it failed massively, it focused too much on the less interesting factors of the show and it ended up not working. The show though was cancelled and won't be getting a second season so there is no real reason to watch this show as it is clearly not worth the time and effort. 

7. Two Weeks To Live Season 1  

Sky was hyping this show a lot and they really shouldn't have bothered as this was a pretty awful show. Apart from a decent second episode and the fact that bloody Arya Stark is the lead are the only reasons that Two Weeks To Live isn't higher on the list. It is is so poor and again none of the characters were interesting and I just didn't care at all, it was so unbelievable and a show that I think could have done with a more serious tone and one that just don't watch. 

6. The Luminaries Season 1

This New Zealand show The Luminaries hit BBC earlier this year and was just so boring. The performances were boring, the characters were boring and the story was boring. The show looks very good but there is no substance to it and I don't care if Eva Green is in it don't bother with it for any reason at all as it is a poor waste of time. 

5. Code 404 Season 1

Another Sky original Code 404 was even worse then Two Weeks To Live and a completely unfunny buddy cop show. The two main actors are good in other things, I have seen it with my own two eyes but this show just doesn't work, it is poorly written and just feels like I wasted a few hours of my time and a show that just does not work. 

4. Cursed Season 1 

Now this one hurts, Cursed had limitless potential and should have been amazing but my god it was terrible and such a waste of time. Once again adapting the story of King Arthur it now feels like a story that has been worn out and this attempt at a fresh take fails in pretty much every department and even though loads of people watched I hope this is the end for this show and it will be remembered as a show that should have been amazing but just failed. 

3. Little Birds Season 1 

Jesus this was a bad year for Sky original programming and here is the worst of them all Little Birds. What the hell was this show about, months later I am still not sure, this shows setting looked nice but there is nothing else and it is a show that literally is all over the place and I am pretty sure nobody watched it but I did and my god what a waste of time and please do not do it. 

2. The Deceived 

Now onto a show that I am pretty sure nobody did watch. The Deceived was on Channel 5 and was terrible, one of the worst acted and stupid shows that has ever existed. I couldn't stop laughing watching this show even though it takes itself very seriously, there is nothing unique on this show and I really can't believe shows like this are being made in 2020 and I mean you aren't going to watch this so at least there is that. 

1. The Walking Dead World Beyond Season 1

And here we are the worst show of 2020 and it goes to The Walking Dead: World Beyond. The Walking Dead has had a mixed time over the last few years but this is the lowest low for me. These characters are awful and this story is uninspired to say the least, luckily we only have to deal with one more season of this show. Unfortunately this show seems to be playing an important role in The Walking Dead Universe and it must improve in its second season immensely because as we speak this is an awful show that for me is the worst time I had watching a show in the whole of 2020. 

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