Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tin Star Season 2 (2019) Review

Tin Star Season 2 (2019) Review

So Tin Star Season 3 hits the UK next week and I am now all caught up after finishing the second season of the show and here is my review for the second season of the show. The premise of the season sees Jack and his family have to survive when something from his past comes to haunt them. 

Main Character

I said when reviewing the first season of the show that Tim Roth was fantastic and he continues that here, mainly because of his dark humour and just how funny he is at times. He continues that and is just so entertaining to watch and you can just tell he is having so much fun here, I mean the emotional parts of his character aren't as present here but I just can't deny that when Roth is on screen he is great to watch and carries this show. 

Supporting Characters

That isn't to say some of the supporting characters aren't good here, I really like the chemistry between him and Genevieve O'Reilly who plays his wife and how they are a bad influence on each other. They have such a great dynamic and she is really fun to watch as well and a good character in her own right, just this season she is more on Roth's side then last season. Now I was pretty critical of Abigail Lawrie for her performance as their daughter in the first season but I thought she worked a lot better here and has good chemistry with her on screen parents. She isn't anywhere near as annoying and isn't always clashing with her parents which makes her a much more likeable character and she does a good job in her own right. John Lynch is a new character here, I mostly recognise him from The Fall and I thought he added quite a bit here, his character is pretty interesting and is a nice contrast to the other characters, he also shows his real acting quality and a great solid performance. But this show still has the issue that it has too many characters and what I mean is that it has characters from the first season that they have no plans for, but they have them here and they take away from the show. Such as Christina Hendricks character who really doesn't do much here and you wonder why they even bothered bringing her back for this season, same for the characters of Frank and Denise who again don't do enough to warrant inclusion. 


The story is decent this season, I thought having the family members together more helps, it feels like they are more united and together which is much better then them being at each others throats like the previous season. This film also did a good job of setting up a third season and expanding the story, but I also thought this show suffered from that. It spends so much time telling you what can come that it doesn't do enough this season to keep you interested and then puts everything on the last 20 mins which isn't good enough when it has had 9 episodes to do it. Also the show has to deal with the supporting characters from last season to sort them out and it does it in a pretty clunky way which bogs down the story. 


The script is still good, the dark humour is still there and Roth and the rest of the family are funny and really look like they are enjoying themselves on screen and that helps you stay watching the show. But the drama from the first season isn't really there and the pacing of the different stories doesn't quite work as effectively as the first season did which is a disappointment. 


The show still looks great, it has a great location and is a pretty visceral show to watch that doesn't hold much back. There are some intense scenes and the show does a good job in making you feel like the majority of the characters are at risk the majority of time. But again, the pacing is off for me, it takes so much time to get going and get to the point that it makes me think that either get to the point quicker or have a few less episodes and less storylines going on at the beginning. 


Overall, this is an above average season of television, it is a slight step down from the last season but is still quite an entertaining watch. I mean if you didn't care for the first season this won't change your mind, though if you are a fan you will pretty much like this season and be excited for the third season. 

Rating - 6/10

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