Monday, December 14, 2020

Marvel Announces Secret Invasion Show - Samuel L Jackson will be back as Nick Fury

Marvel Announces Secret Invasion Show - Samuel L Jackson will be back as Nick Fury 

Not too long ago it was reported that a Nick Fury Disney+ show was going to come out sometime in the future. Well amongst the announcements by Marvel Studios it was revealed that they are making a Secret Invasion show which will see Fury returning to The MCU. For those that don't know Secret Invasion was a big comic book storyline that revealed that members of The Avengers and Government officials have been replaced by Skrulls for their own agenda and here are my thoughts on what could happen in this show.  

Will continue Nick Fury's story from Far From Home

So at the end of Spider-Man Far From Home it is revealed that the Nick Fury we have seen has not been him but Talos in disguise. We see Fury going back to work in a facility in Space, most likely setting up his new operation, it is clear Fury has a close relationship with Talos and his Skrull forces so it will provide an interesting take if it is revealed that other Skrulls are causing havoc on Earth. 

Ben Mendelsohn to return as Talos 

As mentioned above Talos and Fury still have a relationship following their alliance in Captain Marvel and along with the news of the show it was confirmed that Ben Mendelsohn will be reprising the role in this show. It will seem like we might see a buddy cop spin between the two and it could be a really fun dynamic between the two of them. 

Could lead to a Skrull Civil War Story

It was an interesting decision when Captain Marvel decided to turn the Skrulls into good guys and one that I thought really worked for the film and I think it could play an important part of this show. With Skrulls probably being the antagonists it can provide a fascinating dynamic and makes them more interesting in The MCU compared to the comics as it creates the chance to see a Skrull civil war that sees a long lasting effect in The MCU. 

Who will be revealed to be a Skrull?

The most interesting thing about the comic book run was basically trying to work out who could be a Skrull and what that could mean for the future for The MCU. I am not sure how many big names we will see here and when we do will there be the worry that they have actually been a villain for a longer time then anybody knew. 

Could we see some Agents Of Shield characters return

In The UK Agents Of Shield hasn't finished its final season yet so I am not exactly sure what characters would be able to be a part of this show but could we see some characters return for this show. We already saw Clark Gregg return as Phil Coulson in Captain Marvel so why not, we have already seen The Skrulls enemies on AOS so why not see characters go on this show. There are so many great characters in Agents Of Shield that maybe haven't got the recognition they deserve due to the stigma that the show has unfortunately gained which is unwarranted and I hope this show does that. 


Overall, Secret Invasion is one of the biggest comic book stories ever made and I am surprised this story isn't being adapted in film and shows just how important these Disney shows are to The MCU. Jackson & Mendelsohn are fantastic and hopefully this show really lives up to the hype that comes along with the title name. 

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