Monday, December 7, 2020

Mulan (2020) Review

Mulan (2020) Review

So this film has been available on Disney+ for an extra fee for months but I am really cheap so I have waited till it is free with the streaming service to watch it and that day is today so here is my review for the 2020 version of the film Mulan. The premise of the film sees a young Woman disguise herself as a man in order to take her fathers place in the Chinese army. 

Main Character

Chinese actress Yifei Liu plays the titular character and I mean she is fine in the role, she feels appropriate for the role and does a decent job in the action scenes which is important for the role and she does an okay job in some of the emotional scenes. But I just don't really know why I did not care about Mulan much in this film, I just couldn't find anything to attach myself too and I found her character to be quite dull and not offering much to stand out in terms of a lead role. 

Supporting Characters

This film doesn't have a particularly great supporting cast but the one who stands out to me is Donnie Yen, his character isn't the most compelling but he does a fine job and you can tell he is easily the best actor in the action scenes and he is a highlight in these scenes. I also thought the actor that played Mulan's father did a good job and sold the emotion of their scenes well together. But the rest of the cast didn't do much at all, I mean Jason Scott Lee plays the main villain but similar to the animated film, he is just a bad guy Mulan has to defeat with no character and no depth to him. Different to the animated film there is an evil witch added here and it seems they tried to give her some character but they failed and she becomes an addition that feels out of place here. Like the animated film Mulan has some allies in the army and they were charming in that film but it doesn't work here and these characters are dull and you really won't care at all. 


In these Disney live action remakes I feel like they are damned if they do damned if they don't. If they keep the story the same they are accused of being lazy and if they change it people go against it so this film kind of does a bit of both. Characters like Mushu are missing and I honestly think this story doesn't work and I will explain why, in the animated film the reason it works is that Mulan goes from this normal girl who becomes a warrior but this film completely changes it and attempts to make her some sort of superhero and it feels cheap and like the film loses all of its heart. The other issue is that I didn't care about any of the characters here, not even Mulan and the film really banks on you doing that which hurt its plot. 


The film has some okay dramatic moments in it that actually works which is better then most things here. It is just, I am not saying this film should be a comedy, but it takes itself so seriously and becomes a drab watch as the seriousness makes you care less and less about this pretty dull execution. 


One thing the film has going for it, is that it looks amazing. In terms of its visual this is one of the best of the year in my opinion, the backgrounds look great and if the film was scored on the way it looks only it would be a much better score. But it isn't and here we go with another criticism but it is actually a technical one, when the action scenes were taking place there are just so many cuts, the film is cutting all over the place and it becomes so jarring, it is hard to explain unless you watch the film. The only time it doesn't do this when Yen is doing action and it seems like the rest of the cast weren't as strong in the action or the director was just poor at filming them. 


Overall, this is a below average film that actually upsets me. If people remember back at the beginning of the year, this film was high up in my most anticipated films of 2020 and it just fails to hit those levels and leaves it one of the biggest let downs in recent years. 

Rating - 4/10 

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