Sunday, December 20, 2020

Tin Star Season 3 Liverpool (2020) Review

Tin Star Season 3 Liverpool (2020) Review

I recently watched the first two seasons of Tin Star and thought is was a decent show and now the third and supposedly final season of the show has come to Sky and I have now watched it and here is my review for it. The premise of the season sees Jack, Angela & Anna head to Liverpool in order to take down the enemies from their past. 

Main Character

Tim Roth is back as Jack Worth and he is just a lot of fun to watch here though I would say this is probably the least entertained I have been by him, I guess that is just because it is the third season at this point. But he is great here and provides a fun lead performance and is one charismatic guy to lead this show. I am looking forward to seeing him in She-Hulk and I hope he can channel some of his character here into that performance, obviously in a moor PG manner. 

Supporting Characters 

Genevieve O'Reilly and Abigail Lawrie play Angela and Anna and these three performers just have so much chemistry together, you can just tell they are having so much fun together and it shows in some good performances and characters that despite the pretty terrible things they do you can root for. But the rest of the cast didn't do much for me whether it be villains or friends I just didn't care, none of them were given anything particularly interesting to do and it's never fully explored why and what were the reasons for the feud between them and the Worths. 


The story sees our main characters return to Liverpool and it is fun seeing these three just go around taking out people in pretty creative ways and having fun while doing it. There are also some pretty intense scenes that build and did have me a bit nervous as to what would happen to the characters. But as I mentioned above it doesn't help when you have boring antagonists and side characters that you don't care about. Since the first season they really have given the idea of just how far Jack Worth went as an undercover cop but the show never gives enough and it feels like there was more of a story to tell. Also if this really is the final season then the ending is pretty terrible and does nothing to make me feel like this was a worthwhile time spent. 


The script has plenty of fun dialogue in there, which the main three characters do a great job of conveying and making there own. But this is probably the weakest script of the show, it does feel like they beat some of the funny lines over the head until they just aren't funny anymore. Also the drama just wasn't there for me, I just never felt like the villains were a real threat to our characters and with all the build up in previous seasons I was disappointed. 


The show has some good and pretty brutal action scenes that don't really hold back which is a highlight. Another highlight is the fact that this is the shortest season with only 6 episodes which makes it a much easier watch then the other seasons. But I can't help but miss Canada, I thought this film used to have a pretty unique style to it but now it is in Liverpool and it just isn't as interesting. Also the choice of music at times is just really jarring and again it feels like a thing taken from previous seasons and just ramped up here. 


Overall, this is an above average season of television that is just fine. If you are a fan of this show you will like the show but if not it won't change your mind and I would say it isn't really worth the time to go back and watch the previous seasons so you know what is going on here. 

Rating - 6/10

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