Thursday, December 3, 2020

Hailee Steinfeld cast as Kate Bishop in Hawkeye Disney+ Series

Hailee Steinfeld cast as Kate Bishop in Hawkeye Disney+ Series 

So it has been rumoured for months that Hailee Steinfeld was going to be cast as Kate Bishop in the upcoming Hawkeye show starring Jeremy Renner and last night footage was leaked from the shooting of the show and it showed Renner and Steinfeld together confirming the news that she will play Kate Bishop. Now she is a great young actress with big films like Bumblebee & Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse so has a good pedigree and here are my thoughts on not only the casting but the Hawkeye show in general as I don't think I have spoke much about it yet. 

She will become the new Hawkeye 

Now this is the most obvious one, Jeremy Renner isn't getting any younger and honestly after his arc in Avengers: Endgame there isn't too much for him to do in the MCU. In the comics, Kate Bishop becomes the new Hawkeye and I think it is pretty clear that this will happen here, The Avengers game is introducing the character next week (not that anybody will play it). But this shows that Marvel are planning on using Kate Bishop more and I think this casting has plenty to do with it. 

She will become a founding member of the Young Avengers

When you look at the shows and films coming up, it looks very likely that they are setting up the Young Avengers such as Ms Marvel, Kate Bishop & Stature who will all be in future Marvel projects. With Steinfeld only being 24 years old she has plenty of time to develop this character for years and years to come and that could be an exciting thing. 

Clint Barton will mentor The Young Avengers

In the comics Clint Barton has taken up mentorship of plenty of Young Avengers and with pretty much all the original Avengers off the table it seems like they will only have one option in terms of a teacher. Hawkeye has always been a capable fighter in The MCU and knows the pressure of being an Avenger so it could be a good role for Renner as his role in The MCU is lessened as the years go on. 

The plot will revolve around Hawkeye's actions in Endgame 

At the beginning of Avengers Endgame we see Hawkeye's family getting snapped. 5 Years later this sends Hawkeye into a killing spree as the persona of Ronin, this plot point is basically forgotten as they focus on getting everybody back but I feel like it will play into this show. Lets face it, if he had been doing this for 5 years he would have made some enemies and something has to drag him out of retirement and I believe someone involved with that plot point will be what it is. 

Hawkeye will lose his hearing 

Another deep cut from the comics is that Hawkeye eventually lost his hearing, there have been reports that this will happen in the show and I think that makes sense. It would be a sad but interesting dynamic for the character and it would be good to see a mainstream deaf superhero as it adds something that isn't seen much. 


Overall, Hawkeye is one of the Disney+ shows that hasn't had a lot of fanfare but I think this show has some potential and if done right could be a real hit for Disney+ and set up some interesting things in teh future of The MCU. 

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